HM Box Tutorial 1: Case Content
HM Box Tutorial 3: Activating the HMBox
HMBox Tutorial 5: Manuel Synchronisation
HMBox Tutorial 7: Floorprotector Professional Software and Prime Membership
HMBox Tutorial 9: Deactivating the HMBox
Gym Floor Fidbox Installation
A quick how-to on installing a Fidbox on an athletic floor jobsite.
Installing a Fidbox (Part 1)
A quick how-to on installing a Fidbox on a jobsite using a router tool.
Installing a New Fidbox on Your App
A quick overview on registering a new fidbox using the Fidbox App.
Fidbox for Beginners
HMBox Tutorial 2: Mounting the HMBox
HMBox Tutorial 4: Checking The Activation
HMBox Tutorial 6: View Measured Data in the HMBox App
HMBox Tutorial 8: Floorprotector Professional Software
HMBox Tutorial 10: Removal of the HMBox
HM Box
Onsite data logger that sends data, using a cellular connection, to an offsite server that can be viewed from an internet browser or mobile app.
Installing a Fidbox (Part 2)
A quick how-to on installing a Fidbox on a jobsite using a router tool.
Extracting Data From A Fidbox
A quick tutorial on synchronizing and accessing data from your Fidbox